The use of wooden barrels in wine has existed since Roman times. Its use was then above all practical, to transport wine by boat more easily than with amphorae. It’s only much later that the winegrowers discovered that the barrel influenced the aging of the wine. So what does this famous wooden barrel add to our wines? Let's find out together in this article!
If you grow a vegetable garden, you are probably familiar with downy mildew which typically attacks tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and peppers!
But this fungus remains the number 1 enemy of the vine, as it sometimes takes on epidemic proportions.
France is one of the most famous country in term of gastronomy. And also a country with multiple type of wines. This is why pair food & wine is very important for us.
Boire un verre de vin avant de se coucher pour perdre du poids ? C’est ce que révèle une étude menée par des chercheurs de l'Université de l'État de Washington et d’Harvard.
La dégustation met nos sens à vif selon des processus encore mal connus. De récentes découvertes dans les neurosciences offrent des approches radicalement nouvelles et ouvrent des perspectives dignes de la science-fiction.
During the Prowein fair in 2017 , several vignerons of the Grés de Montpellier Appellation were promoting their appellation into a joint Grés de Montpellier booth. Many visitors came to this booth and enjoyed these great wines. In the attached vidéo Benoît Guizard, one of the 9 vignerons in the…