Specialist know-how

Observing, Segmenting, Selecting, Not interfering, Letting time do its work…

Single Parcel Wines

Our aim is to reveal a micro climate and fully highlight a given “terroir”.

Our selection process begins at the vine where we choose year after year the plants which make up our parcel wines. Once the grapes reach the cellar however, Charlotte & François carry out a second selection process keeping only the finest barrels from each parcel. This rigorous section from vine to bottle enables us to create vines of rare quality, at once complex and unique and which fully reveal the “terroir” from which it is produced.

A Mediterranean Biodiversity Sanctuary

Fully aware of the importance of preserving the environment and biodiversity, the Domaine implements sustainable agricultural practices since more than 20 years.

Blanville cultural practices:

  • Fine selection of plots from the vineyard
  • HVE (High Values Environment): Respect for biodiversity, keeping the scrublands, vineyards without irrigation, preservation of fauna & flora all around our vines.
  • Agriculture according to ORGANIC standards: no synthetic products
  • Atypical terroir, high in altitude, subject to sea spray, close to the Mediterranean Sea (this sea spray on our vineyards: brings balance, beautiful salinity and minerality)
  • Vegan Wines
  • Small yields: good concentration and respect for the vine
  • Sexual confusion (natural pest control technique for vines)
  • Plant covers
  • 3-year fallows with legumes to nourish the land
  • Sheep grazing within the vineyard

Terroirs & Parcels

Our majority of our parcels is located in the AOP Languedoc Grés de Montpellier appellation area. This appellation brings together the vineyards of the Montpellier conurbation and its surrounding areas. Their territory extends from the middle Hérault valley in the west to Vidourle in the east. Its southern limit is the Mediterranean coast and its northern limit, Pic Saint-Loup.

It is an area sheltered from northern influences by the Montagne Noire and the Cévennes.

The dry climate and maritime inflows of humid air in summer favor early maturity and a good balance of the vegetative cycle.

These same sea spray also bring good freshness and minerality common to Grés de Montpellier wines.